Jan 23, 2007

from breakfast to ...

Jim Says:
what's wrong with eating breakfast at home?
Mike Says:
there were ppl I used to supervise upstairs that would sit at the front counter and eat their breakfast while helping students
Mike Says:
drove me fucking nuts
Mike Says:
I did put an end to it though
Sam Says:
you used to supervise ppl
Mike Says:
just so you dont think Im a pussy
Jim Says:
is t here anything worse than listening to somebody chew?
Mike Says:
yes..it happened once
Mike Says:
listening to The Terminator shit everyday in the public washroom?
Sam Says:
yes, but that's your choice
Jim Says:
Mike Says:
i have to come clean...it's an addiction
Jim Says:
er.. what's your choice?
Mike Says:
seriously though...does The Terminator not use his toilet at home?
Mike Says:
It's either him or plik in there everyday copping a squat
Jim Says:
copping a squat.
Jim Says:
never heard that one before.
Sam Says:
very british
Mike Says:
haha...laying some coil
Jim Says:
Jim Says:
now I get it.
Mike Says:
negotiating the release of the little brown hostages
Mike Says:
dropping the kids off at the pool
Sam Says:
i get the impression you could go on like this for days
Mike Says:
making a deposit at the Bank of Ceramica
Sam Says:
we went from eating breakfast to shitting
Sam Says:
Jim Says:
isn't that usually how it works?
Sam Says:
yes, but usually not so quickly
Mike Says:
welll...I DID see this video on the web once...

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